A Cure Synthesized from Your Own DNA

Alex Koyfman

Posted October 13, 2014

What costs as much as $152,000 per incident and plagues hundreds of thousands of extended hospital stay and hospice patients every year?

Pressure ulcers.

More commonly known as bedsores, pressure ulcers develop in patients who spend too much time in bed without sufficient mobility.

They plague the young and old alike, but they are especially dangerous for diabetes patients, patients with circulatory problems, and, most of all, the elderly.

If it’s left untreated long enough, the ulcer will eat straight down to the bone, exposing dying tissue to the elements and leaving the patient vulnerable to even more severe complications.


Aside from being extremely painful and even life threatening when infections set in, these inevitable results of long-term bed rest are also very expensive.

The costs associated with treating this unavoidable injury range from $21,000 to $151,700 per ulcer — not per patient.

And the problem is often compounded as these deep-tissue sores add even more time to the convalescent period.

The Elderly Suffer the Most

When the patient in question is elderly and in 24-hour care at a hospice, these pressure ulcers commonly contribute to early death, as repeated infections and decreased mobility turn less serious problems into terminal ones.


It’s sad, and it can be maddening for family members who have to watch their loved ones go through this with absolutely no way to make it better.

Thankfully, a small American biotech company has come up with a solution that’s already providing relief to thousands of patients across the country.

Using the patient’s own DNA to formulate a one-of-a-kind healing agent, the method this company has come up with to stop and reverse the effects of pressure ulcers starts taking effect within minutes — and provides visible results in just days.

For the first time, it’s given hospital and hospice staff the power to significantly decrease time and costs associated with dealing with pressure ulcers — dramatically increasing patient comfort and even life expectancy in the process.

Hope Has Arrived… And it Won’t Be a Secret for Long

Here’s the catch… and the reason why I’m writing you today.

This isn’t some start-up with a semi-formed idea or a patent pending.

This is a functioning firm with FDA-approved products and a growing reputation in the industry.

Its achievements, positioning within the marketplace, and product lines, however, do not match its current share price.

Not by a long shot.

With a market cap of under $50 million, this company is undervalued by an order of magnitude (10x) when you take into account the size of the demand for its products.

If you think those prospects sound rare, it’s because they are — rare and exceedingly hard to find.

Fortunately for you, I spend most of my waking hours isolating companies with this type of growth potential from the thousands out there. 

So now that you have your intro into the technology, please pay special attention to what I’m about to say:

In the next few days, I’m going to publish my informational video, “The Secret of Rich Man’s Row.”

The biotech company I’ve been describing to you in this article will be the inaugural recommendation of the “Rich Man’s Row” series — a foolproof trading method I’ll be detailing in this report, alongside stories of what happens when the method is used successfully.

If you’re reading this now, it means you’ve been chosen to get the earliest crack at this stock, which could double by year’s end if things go according to plan.

Click on the link at the end of this article, and you’ll be taken to a countdown… Bookmark that page, and be there when the clock strikes zero.

Because that’s the instant you’ll get access to the report.

I’m giving you the chance to be one of the first in line for this important biotech investment.

Don’t miss out.

Click here now, and don’t forget to bookmark!

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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